Narratives for Change Conference 10/19

October 15, 2019

Narratives for Change is a first-of-its-kind global conference designed to spark conversation at the intersection of storytelling, entertainment/media, global health, and social change.

The event — planned by Harvard College students and sponsored by the Harvard Global Health Institute — will incorporate live performances, workshops, and panel discussions led by a diverse series of speakers at the top of their fields, geared toward leveraging the creative economy for social impact.

Driven by the belief that the media and social policy spheres are often separated but are much more powerful together, the Narratives for Change conference is dedicated to creating a space for creative connection. We believe that art of all kinds can be an incredible force for good, and we aim to give creators the tools they need and the respect they deserve.

  • Date: Saturday, October 19th
  • Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Location: Boylston Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge MA
  • Price: $5 for undergraduates, $10 for general public, free for Harvard College students
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